GulshanNoorani Acupuncture & Nutritional Therapy in Central London

About Gulshan


Practitioner. CONTENT-profile

Hi… my name is Gulshan….I became a nutritionist / naturopath in 2009 and then completed a Bachelor of Science in Acupuncture followed by a Masters degree in Chinese herbal medicine. In 2013, I got to spend time observing clinical practice at the Wujin TCM Hospital in Changzhou, China. In the following three years, I worked at the well-known and highly respected Asante Academy of Chinese Medicine and the Whittington Hospital Pain and Maternity clinics providing acupuncture to hundreds of patients with a diverse range of health issues.


I love what I do because…

It brings me closer to the heart of what it means to be human. The healing journey of the patient and my journey, both personal and professional, helps me understand and appreciate these ancient and ever powerful healing methods. That they can still be used today to alleviate health symptoms and modern-day stress is a marvel. The thought that this type of practice – however great or small, improves the lives of others gives me immense happiness and satisfaction. I feel honoured to be so privileged to benefit others in this way.


  • MSc Professional Practice in Chinese Herbal Medicine, Middlesex University, 2014
  • BSc (Hons - 1st) Acupuncture, Middlesex University, 2012
  • Nutrition & Naturopathy Diploma, College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM), 2009


Professional Development:

  • Dolpin MPS (micro pulse system) 2023/24 
  • Motor Point Acupuncture, 2018, 2019, 2022
  • NeoClassical Acupuncture (Foundation and Advance), 2022
  • Psycho-emotional pain / 8 Extraordinary Meridians, 2019
  • Japanese-style Acupuncture and Moxa, 2019 / Hirata Ontake Japanese Bamboo Moxa, 2022
  • Fertility and IVF Acupuncture, 2018
  • Korean Orthodox Saahm Acupuncture, 2018
  • Scalp Acupuncture, 2018, 2019, 2023
  • Tung Acupuncture and Blood Pricking, 2016, 2017
  • Balance Method / Tan Acupuncture, 2013
  • Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture and Massage Certificate, 2013




Membership Accreditation:

BAcC - British Acupuncture Council - the leading self-regulated, member-led organisation for the practice of traditional acupuncture in the UK with over 3,000. The BAcC sets the standard for safety, training and professional development.

Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners - non-profit federation administered by a Steering Group and governed by its membership. It acts for its membership in discussion with legitimate regulators, government departments, and lead bodies.



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